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In this 5 day program your focus will be on the basics of meditation and showing compassion for your breath and using it to center your awareness. This is called Mindfulness. It’s about acknowledging, letting go, and coming back to the breath and body in the present moment.

Today's Exercise: Follow along with the attached Guided Meditation Audio & Perform Mindfulness Meditation for 5 minutes. Once meditation has been completed, please refer to the Journal Entry below and answer the prompt (pen & paper). The Daily Task can be done whenever you like. That is solely up to you! Have an amazing day!!



Guided Meditation Audio:



Quick Tip: When you notice your mind wander, gently but firmly pull it back to the body and to the breath.



Journal Entry: Does focusing on your breath help you sit with feelings of sadness, anger, or fear?  When do you most need to “just breathe?”  – notice and write about your thoughts.



Daily Task: Text someone a small thank you and let them know how grateful you are that they are in your life.

Day 1
00:00 / 05:54
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